Additional Services
Additional Pages
$25.00 per page
When you purchase a website package you get the standard pages.
- Home
- About Us
- Contact Us
- Testimonial
- Additional page
If you would like to add additional pages, Rev-itmarketing will charge for the additional pages.
Additional Images
$25.00 per 25
(Client provided)
If you would like to add additional images to any of your pages, Rev-itmarketing will be happy to do that at a charge of $25.00 for up to 25 client provided images.
Logo Design Services
Here are a few examples of the logos I have created for past clients.
Site Identity Icon
1. when a visitor of your site adds the website to their home screen, the site identity icon will appear like in the example.
2. When a vistor to your website pulls up your website, the site identity icon will appear at the top of the web browser.
3. When a vistor to your website bookmarks your website, the site identity icon will appear in their bookmarks listings.

Web Consulting
$25.00 per hour*
* 2 hour minimun
When needing a little help with your website, Rev-itmarketing will be happy to provide you with assistance. Rev-itmarketing charges $25.00 per hour with a 2 hour minimum for this service.
Custom Email Adresses
$25.00 Year*
Up to 3 Customized email addresses
* restrictions apply
Restrictions: Please read carefully
You must have an active domian name for a customized email addresses.
You must have an active account with a monthly maintenance fee.
All of the above examples of email addresses can be forwarded to one email address. When repying to an email sent to you through one of these emails, you will not have the ability to reply from the customized email address unless you have an microsoft exchange or other carrier that allows you to IMAP the email account.
When needing a little help with your website, Rev-itmarketing will be happy to provide you with assistance. Rev-itmarketing charges $25.00 per hour with a 2 hour minimum for this service.