Gain the most equity out of you home.
Staged homes spend less time on the market and experience an increase in the dollar value buyers are willing to offer.
Numerous studies and surveys have been conducted to determine the benefits of home staging. The overwhelming consensus: Home staging is the best way to get a home sold, while getting the best possible offer.
Why Choose The Elevated Home ?
Your current home is full of sentimental items and memories. The items you can take with you to build new memories. I recently moved out of my home that I brought my children home as newborns. It was difficult at first to give a great first impression of my home so that a new family could make their own memories.
As a certified home stager, I have experienced the difficulty of my family being uprooted and inundated with everything that needs to be handled when selling a home. But, I have also seen the joy when a house is sold at the highest value in a timely manner and the family is able to achieve their financial and future goals.
Take these 3 simple steps to Achieve an Elevated home.
Step 1
Fill out a contact form
Give us your information so we can get in contact with you.
Step 2
Schedule a consultation
Set up a time to talk with our certified home stager.
Step 3
Let us Elevate your home
Sit back and relax as we find the hidden potential in your home and attract the right buyer.