HOA Social Package +
Additional pages
$2500/1 Year*
- *Inital set up payment and then $45.00 monthly maintainence fee after the intial 1st year.
- Domain Name registeration (1yr)
- 1 year Hosting (Managed Accounts)
- Up to 15 web pages
Home Page
About Us Page
Contact Us Page
12 Additional Pages
- Up to 20 images
- Minor alterations of web pages.
10 per month
- Monthly backups
- Plugin updates
- No Major Alterations (see additional services)
- Logo Design Services (see additional services)
- Website identity icon (see additional services)
HOA Bonus Package
A $500.00 Value
$Included with this HOA Package
- All services described above Plus Bonus Package.
- Requirements:Â
- Windows Operating System
- MS Excel
- MS Outlook
- Click here to see demo video
- Features:
- Set up Page to set up the excel program with all your HOA
- information
- Create Resident Database
- Create New Owner of Property
- Create General Letters (Non-Residents)
- Create Resident Letters (Residents)
- Create General invoice Letters (Non-Residents)
- Create Resident Invoice Letters (Residents)
- Create Violation Letters (Residents)
- Create 2nd Notice of Violation Letters (Residents)
- Create Notice of Hearing Letters (Residents)
- Report Page:
- Saves all letters/Invoices to a report page
- You can filter the results to show which letters/invoices are resolved or which ones are still open.
- Allows:
- Up to 20 Streets
- Up to 40 house numbers per Street
- Up to 10 Board Members
- Designate Board Member’s Titles
- Up to 10 Invoice Reasons
- Up to 20 Violations
- Up to 20 Violation Descriptions
On Boarding Questionnaire
Filling out as much information as possible in the form below will help us identify your specific needs and expectations so Rev-Itmarketing can begin the process of developing your website.