14 Day Evaluation Demo
Self Managed HOA Package
No website
$500/One time purchase
- Requirements:
- Windows Operating System
- MS Excel
- MS Outlook.
- Features:
- Set up Page to set up the excel program with all your HOA information
- Create Resident Database
- Create New Owner of Property
- Create General Letters (Non-Residents)
- Create Resident Letters (Residents)
- Create General invoice Letters (Non-Residents)
- Create Resident Invoice Letters (Residents)
- Create Violation Letters (Residents)
- Create 2nd Notice of Violation Letters (Residents)
- Create Notice of Hearing Letters (Residents)
- Report Page:
- Saves all letters/Invoices to a report page
- You can filter the results to show which letters/invoices are resolved or which ones are still open.
- Allows:
- Up to 20 Streets
- Up to 40 house numbers per Street
- Up to 10 Board Members
- Designate Board Member’s Titles
- Up to 10 Invoice Reasons
- Up to 20 Violations
- Up to 20 Violation Descriptions
- Does NOT include a Payment gateway
- No third party invoicing system set up.
Step 1
It is advised that before you download the program, that you make sure you have meet the 3 requirements listed on the description section.
Step 2
Download and activate your 14 Day evaluation demo. After 14 days you will have to purchase the program to continue use.
Step 3
If you need help, the instructional videos will answer your questions, if you need further assistance, please contact us using the “contact us” page.
Step 4
If you would like to continue using this program Contact us after payment has been processed and will send you the continuation of usage code.
Contact Us